RISE 2019 Conference

Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico

Anthony Battaglia

Engagement and Analysis Section Chief

Federal Emergency Management Agency


havidan rodriguez photo

Anthony Battaglia is the Engagement and Analysis Section Chief at the FEMA National Integration Center. In this capacity, he supports the National Preparedness System across all five mission areas, leading national engagement efforts and trend analyses to better understand planning gaps within the emergency management community. Anthony previously worked in the Response Directorate, where he led coordination for the interagency Emergency Support Function Leadership Group and helped develop the Community Lifelines construct, an achievement that earned him a FEMA Administrator’s Award and DHS Secretary’s Unit Award. During major incidents and exercises, Anthony serves as the National Response Coordination Center Executive Officer, a senior advisory position that provides organizational, management, and leadership support. Before joining FEMA, Anthony spent nearly seven years at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Anthony was the Policy Advisor to the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, responsible for advising the Administrator on all programs and initiatives administered by the Agency, including a budget of $911 million and 626 full-time employees. Anthony also served in the immediate Office of the Secretary, where he helped advance the Department's signature surface transportation reauthorization proposal and worked on the Secretary's advance team. In addition, Anthony held positions in the Office of the Chief Information Officer, the Office of Intelligence, Security, and Emergency Response, and the Office of the Executive Secretariat. Anthony received two Secretary of Transportation Team Awards and the Secretary’s Partnering for Excellence Award, the Department’s second highest recognition, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Interagency Emergency Response Team.