RISE 2019 Conference

Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico

Masoud Ghandehari

Associate Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering

New York University Tandon School of Engineering


havidan rodriguez photo

Masoud Ghandehari is on the Faculty of Civil and Urban Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Prior to joining NYU, he held a research appointment at the National Science Foundation Center for Advanced Materials, and The Center for Quality Engineering and Failure Prevention. He began university studies at Columbia University followed with consulting practice in New York City where he worked on various large infrastructure renewal projects. He did his graduate work at McGill University and Northwestern University with a doctoral thesis in full field optical metrology for imaging damage localization.

His academic research has focused on the application of advanced instrumentation and data analysis targeting the aging, health and performance of physical systems. Through the application of sensing, observations and system assessment, he is developing methodologies that generate multi-scale data on physical, environmental and human systems. This work is aimed at developing novel approaches for understanding the condition, interdependencies, and well being of cities and its inhabitants.

Funding for the research is from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Transportation, the industry, and various international agencies. His research in optical spectroscopy, sensing, imaging, and large data analytics has led to the development of applications and technologies suitable for diverse environments and multiple scales; ranging from the molecular to the urban landscape.

Professor Ghandehari is the founding investigator of the New York State Resiliency Institute for Storm Events, and founder of Chromosense LLC which is supported by the National Institutes of Health for innovation in environmental sensing.