RISE 2019 Conference
Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Mike Moriarty serves as Mitigation Director leading a team creating more resilient communities by reducing future losses to homes, businesses, public buildings and critical facilities from floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. His Mitigation Team focuses on breaking the cycle of recurrent disaster damage with responsibilities for New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The team helps reduce loss of life and property while building capability with state, local and tribal partners through a variety of programs, including the identification, analysis and mapping of risks, support to state and local floodplain management, coordination of the National Flood Insurance Program, environmental planning and historic preservation compliance and management of a robust pre-disaster mitigation grants program and a hazard mitigation grants program (HMGP) of more than $3.5B for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for Hurricane Maria and more than $2B to NY and NJ for Hurricane Sandy.
Mike earned a BS from the University of Dayton, a Masters of Public Administration from New York University and a Juris Doctor from Seton Hall University School of Law.