RISE 2019 Conference

Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico

Christopher Papadopoulos


University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez


havidan rodriguez photo

Christopher Papadopoulos, PhD., is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Sciences and Materials at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (UPRM), which he joined in 2009. He earned B.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University (1993) and a Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Cornell University (1999). Prior to joining the faculty at UPRM, Papadopoulos had appointments at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, first as a member of the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (2001-2006) and later as a research and instructional staff member in the College of Engineering (2007-2009). Papadopoulos has diverse research and teaching interests in structural mechanics, bioconstruction (with emphasis in bamboo), appropriate technology, engineering ethics, and mechanics education. He has served as PI of several NSF-sponsored research projects and has given numerous lectures in the area of engineering ethics and social responsibility. Papadopoulos has served on the Executive Committee of the Mechanics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in since 2009, including as Division Chair (2015-16). He is also active on several curriculum committees at UPRM, in which he is an advocate for strong general and liberal studies, and is an advocate for environmentally responsible menus and practices on the campus cafeteria committee. Papadopoulos is co-author of Lying by Approximation: The Truth about Finite Element Analysis (2013) and he will chair the International Conference on Nonconventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT) in July 2021 at UPRM.