RISE 2019 Conference
Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Transforming University Engagement In Pre- and Post-Disaster Environments: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Santos Rodriguez is the Director of Community Affairs & Strategic Initiatives for the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York since February 2015. He is responsible for engaging with all community groups, organizations and special interest groups. His responsibilities further include communication with all Building Trades affiliates to implement strategic initiatives and assists with all council lobbying efforts.
Prior to joining the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, Mr. Rodriguez launched his career at the International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local #12. In 2007, Mr. Rodriguez was appointed the Organizer for the Heat & Frost Insulators Local #12 union. He was the youngest person to be appointed as a full time officer of the local. As the Organizer, he was responsible for organizing a non-union work force which provided workers an opportunity to work in a safe environment with fair wages, benefits and representation. Having been actively involved within Local union #12, in 2010 he was appointed as the Political Director for the union. He has been recognized by numerous elected officials and organizations for his work in supporting a strong middle class.
Mr. Rodriguez is a graduate of Project Pathways (a pre-apprenticeship training program that provided inner city high school graduates the ability to become a direct applicant into the building and construction trades unions of NYC). Today the program has been re-named The Edward J. Malloy Initiative For Construction Skills. Santos continues his involvement with Construction Skills as the program’s community liaison. He also serves as a board member of Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens and Workforce Development Institute (WDI). Santos is married and has two wonderful children.